"It starts with a dream and the determination not to give up on becoming an agency.".

Since April 2022, Trellis has cultivated SIYS’ growth as they have developed programming to support radicalized youth to gain confidence and skills through entrepreneurship and becoming Independent Non profit Partner.

Thank you !!

2021 - 2022 - SIYS Annocuments

We are excited to share another new and very exciting program is coming to Trellis! The program is called Struggle Is Your Success (SIYS) and it stems from the purest form of partnership and collaboration. Trellis will be partnering with an organization called Struggle Is Your Success on this 18-month adventure to support racialized youth through mentorship and entrepreneurship. The program motto is “Unearth Your Potential” which represents SIYS’ commitment to empowering youth by finding innovative solutions to help them overcome their struggles and discover their full potential. This aligns so closely with Trellis’ vision that this partnership was something we couldn’t pass up. When we talk about Optimizing Our Impact as a part of our Strategic Plan, the SIYS program is a perfect example of Trellis intentionally building program capacity that will support youth we are already serving as well as youth who we haven’t been reaching with our existing offerings.

The SIYS organization and this program were founded and developed by Musap (Moose) Abdelhag. Moose is a Canadian entrepreneur and mentorship professional with over 12 years of experience in community leadership. Rum Muker will be the program manager for SIYS and will support Moose to continue moving forward on this journey of helping more youth unearth their potential. We look forward to connecting with several Trellis programs across the continuum for opportunities for collaboration, learning and growth. Stay tuned for invitations to come.

 This partnership came from connections between Trellis and SIYS board members and our relationship with the Calgary Foundation. We want to thank everyone who contributed to bringing SIYS to Trellis! We look forward to sharing the program’s successes and stay tuned for an upcoming video that will highlight the SIYS Program and how this partnership came to be.